Saturday, May 2, 2009

Here is Where The Action Will Be Taking Place

The therapists requested a table or desk that they can sit Eric down to work at. I have a couple of children's chairs that the Birth to 3 folks gave to us from their graveyard. Otherwise I had no children's furniture in the house. It was a space and financial issue for a long time. The table thing was brought up again during Eric's IEP meeting. They are hoping this will help with him sitting at school and staying on task with is work if it's done at home and during therapy. The special health nurse at Eric's school found this desk at the large yard sale in the subdivision that the school is in. She called me and asked me if I wanted it. Of course I accepted. I offered her the $ it cost, she would not accept it. I put the bin of supplies in the area, and Eric's new therapy space is born. Now they don't have to go in various bedrooms to do the therapy. In most cases they prefer not to use bedrooms, to keep them as a "safe spot" for the kids by not asking them to do work in there. Once you get to the top of the steps just turn left it is right there. The bathroom is right across from there. Not like he will go in that one or anything, but the door will be open and light on just in case.
What does Eric think of this ?
He is very fascinated with the marker holder, it spins around. He may not look too enthused in this picture, but he went to sit down voluntarily. Take that as he likes it :-)

Thank you Mrs. Thompson!!!


  1. What a great person that Mrs Thompson was to help you out! Some people really are angels aren't they? I LOVE Eric's new space. It's his special place and I hope he has makes great strides in this special place of his! GO ERIC!

  2. I agree, Mrs. Thompson is wonderful. She did it because she cares about Eric. Another angel has came into my life recently. She didn't know me other than what she read on a blog about me. It's amazing. Makes me feel better knowing there are so many good people around.
