Monday, February 22, 2010

Instruction, Orders and Independant Functioning

For a long time if I asked any of my kids to do something simple like "come here" or "get your coat" they looked at me with a blank face or just continued on with what they were doing without a care. Since Eric has started therapy he can identify so many more familiar things in his life and learning so many words. It's all starting to link together. Yesterday he asked me for cheerios. The box was way out of my reach. I asked him to give the box to me. He did it without hesitation. At first you would get these types of responses if and only if you used the exact words that were taught to him. Now he is much more flexible. He will respond to "bring me your shoes" or "go get your shoes". It has gone to this level within the last few weeks.

While he is getting good at taking orders, he's even better at dishing them out! He's been demanding to go outside (when it's a little too cold and late), that I tie, fix or take off his shoes when they are wet from the snow, turn off the porch light (yes, his feet/shoes and lights are still a big thing for him), to take away the spoons and the cups he uses during therapy, go potty, let's go! He is very clear in what he wants. It's great to hear this, even though sometimes I wonder if a monster has been created :-) He is now for the most part dressing himself, he insists on zipping his own jacket. He's mastered turning on the TV, adjusting the volume (way too loud!), getting ready and washing himself in the bath. So many things I thought I would take for granted as a parent. Guess it don't come as naturally as I thought it would. My big guy is growing up.

1 comment:

  1. Aww that's great! My son used to walk all over me because I was just so happy that he was talking, that I would give him whatever he asked for. I finally put a stop to that though and now he's a well behaved(for the most part!)boy.
