Monday, March 22, 2010

There Can Be Too Much of a Good Thing...

Even if it is therapy to help my kids. Andy’s therapy hours are ramping up quickly. He is doing awesome. This is great but our days are long.

The boys are getting funding from the state of WI to cover 20-35 hours a week of ABA based therapy. This intensive phase lasts 3 years. In order to stay in the program, they must get a minimum of 20 hours a week; otherwise they are dropped and can’t return. Illness, emergency, , or an occasional vacation is OK. This can’t be done half heartedly. It’s all or nothing.

Andy’s therapists come from 12-3 pm, and then Eric’s come in from 3:30 to 6:30, with an overlap of both boys on Saturday. Eric has one session every Sunday, and every other Sunday another therapist comes later in the afternoon for 3 hours, so from 10-4:30 he has therapy. In order for him to get his required hours since he’s in school full day, the Sunday is a must :-( . I understand most kids have homework, and parents don’t get time off. Most adults would not go for having to work 7 days a week, and still have to work when you get home. I have to ask this from a 7 year old! Andy’s school is half days 4 days a week. Kids need time to play and rest. This strain has really shown in their behavior. They are very moody and irritable; the aggressive behavior has reared its ugly head. Their sleep has been very poor; 2-3 hour a night. These boys having such a hard time along with lack of sleep, very little adult contact, time out of the house, and physical health issues sent my emotions and mental health downhill. Eric’s bus broke down and he came home late Friday. This bus thing, then the therapist here right when he got home had him very upset. The tantrums were very violent. While I was waiting for the bus the neighbor kids were outside playing with friends, in their scout and sport uniforms and I am so wishing this could be my boys, my life. It hurt, bad. All of this did me in emotionally. Something had to be done so…

I cancelled all therapy last weekend. The boys and I just relaxed, let go of stress as much as reasonably possible. My boys are much happier with no major tantrums. Their sleep is back to reasonable levels. I'm finally starting to feel better. I’m ready for all the evals, meetings, and appointments for the kids coming next month. They are happier and relaxed. It’s time to return to reality. There will be more long days being cooped up to face the next months. During the summer there’s no therapy on weekends. Jon will be going to school this fall. I'm hoping it will be the same time as Andy. If not, it's another year. We will get through, one day at a time. We will take what we have given to us. No matter if it's a bit cold out or it isn't much time we will get outside some. At times I felt selfish and overwhelmed and wanted this all to stop. I need to care for myself to care for my boys. We all need breaks. It is OK, and necessary to do this when needed.


  1. good for you for recognizing when everyone needed a break!

  2. Kudos to you for taking that much needed time. It sounds like it's what all of you needed, and I am very glad to hear it did all of you some good!! Take advantage of that outside time as much as possible. It does so much for a person's well being. adults and kids alike!
