Saturday, April 24, 2010

Play Ball!

Yesterday I was watching the Brewer game on TV. Eric came down and seen it, picked up a baseball (from a toy, not a real one) started waiting for the pitcher to pitch and threw the ball to me. He don't have a soft throw, I got caught not ready a couple of times. He can now catch a ball too. Sometimes better than others, but I'm very impressed as this never happened last year. This kept us entertained for about an hour. The only reason I kept this game on because the Brewers were losing their tails. I don't believe how big Eric is getting. He's going to be 8 this summer! Wow! The camera flash can do some weird things to Eric's eyes. Yes, they do look a bit off in a few of these pictures, but that is all it is. He is ok :-)

In other news, Eric's IEP meeting was last week. All went well with that. With a little help from his therapist, I was able to give him a haircut. As usual, the job was not fun but it's done. We all came out unhurt, and he looks quite handsome :-) Can't ask for much better. He's also allowing me to give him eye drops when his allergies are acting up. This was totally unexpected, but I'm glad I didn't have to resort to oral medications and the fight, the side effects, ect. His 2nd ABA therapist is taking today off so after Andy is done we are going to the grocery store to get some fruit, ice cream, yogurt so I can start making smoothies for him . I continue to work with him on getting the saltine cracker in his hand. This could take a while. In the mean time he still needs his nutrition, and he takes it as liquid mostly, so one of my friends gave me this idea. I'm going to start with simple strawberry and banana, then in time starting to add some veggies. Since the feeding clinic psych people have run out of suggestions, it's time to get creative. We can still do it though!

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