Saturday, February 14, 2009

Verbal Explosion!!!

Eric is saying many new words right now. He is saying numbers up to 40, abc's, days of the week, colors, names of his favorite toys, and so many other things. Too many to mention. He is even reading simple books and flashcards! I never thought he could do that. We know he is a smart boy, he just does not know how to express it. Soon we will be able to have a conversation with each other. He is progressing so fast. This is even with inconsistant therapy sessions due to me being sick. I can't wait to see how much more he picks up once he is back to regular sessions. His pronounciation of some words needs work. The senior therapist is arranging a meeting with the speech therapist at his school to figure out how to proceed from here. For now I am so happy to hear so much from him. I am very pleasantly surprised. Yeah Eric!!!!!


  1. YEAH!!! That is so awesome! I hope you are feeling better peggy!

  2. Wow! That is such great news, great job Eric!

  3. It is great news!!! I never expected this much progress so quickly. I'm much better Heather, thanks for asking :)
