Friday, March 6, 2009

The Last 2 Days

We are up to full 3 hour therapy sessions now. The time does not drag anymore. I am so greatful everything came together. Here is some of what we did the last couple of days.

Eric reading a book. I've never known Eric to be a reader. This is a book that Andy's teacher brought home for him, but Eric is reading it. He was even moving his finger along the words and trying to say words. I'm impressed.

The weather here has been gorgeous the last couple of days. Yesterday evening Eric's therapist decided to take him outside in the front yard for a while. She had him play ball, pick up leaves, dirt, ect, sit in the grass, then they played the game where they have him follow a series of instructions to see how far he goes. They ask him to jump, run in place, touch his toes, turn around, clap, amoung other things. He was having a blast. It started getting dark and raining a bit so they had to come in. Transitioning from activities that he enjoys is a struggle for Eric. There was a big tantrum when he got in. Lots of yelling/crying, throwing things, throwing his body to the ground, hitting, kicking. It lasted about 20 min. Eventually the therapist asked him to label his nose and he came back, asking for tickles.

Here's my Eric. He got over it :-)

Eric playing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes with the therapist. He was loving this, and identifying the body parts well.
This has been a busy week for Eric. All in all he has handled it well, better than I thought he would. This is going to be his life for the next few years, might as well enjoy it.

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