Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Realities of Life With Special Needs Children

I was able to meet a wonderful woman named Allison Dix on Facebook who wrote this piece on her life as the mother of 3 children on the autism spectrum. The link to her blog is now on the side of my blog under friends and supporters. These are very special children. I love my boys with all my heart. That isn't to say this is easy. I had a very hard time with this a couple nights ago. I know now it is OK to feel that way, to want things different. It is how you handle what you have that counts. We have come this far together, we will make it through this. Thank you Allison for letting me share this with my friends.


  1. Hi Peg. What a fabulous blog. It makes you feel good inside just being here. How did you get it looking so wonderful? Do tell....

    I am so glad we met on FB. I feel we have an instant connection. You are so wonderful. Keep up the great work.

    Allison xxx

  2. Thanks for visiting Allison. I'm glad you like it. For a background, click on the Cutest Blog on the Block link on the upper left corner of the page. A couple of my friends used these and I found them from there. Many of the backgrounds are holiday/season themed but there are others on there. Eric likes fire engines so that is how I picked the first one. I just visited the site again and found the construction vehicles, they will all like this even more. Have fun. It will be great getting to know you better.
