Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Feeding Clinic Lab Updates

I'm going to start with the good news. My main worries about Eric have been settled. The diabetes concerns have been put to rest thank God. All his labs came out good, except that his Vitamin A levels are way too high.

At first I'm thinking, what's the big deal? Like anything in life, too much is no good. If nothing is done about this all this Vitamin A could be harmful to his liver. The Carnation Instant Breakfast he drinks that provides most of his calories an nutrients is LOADED with Vitamin A! Of course the milk has it too. He will drink fruit juice and water, but the only solid food he will eat is Cheerios. So we are going to have to get creative to make up for what he is losing from the CIB. He is now allowed only 1 packet a day. He will be getting more juice (diluted) and water, and I will have to mix baby food (no orange)in the milk he does drink and flavor it. The nutritionist is looking for a vitamin supplement without Vitamin A that I could crush and put in his drink. He may have to go back on pediasure, at least 1 a day. From here we really have to start pushing the spoon. The GI doctor wants more blood work done in 3 months to check the Vitamin A levels and his liver function. So far his liver function is fine, but this can't go on like this according to what I heard today. The drinks I already have to make up for him are something else. Here is the plan as we went before this phone call with how his liquid nutrion was mixed, cheerios as he wants them are included:

Breakfast 7 oz milk 1 pkg CIB 4 oz yogurt and 1 tsp corn or canola oil
School 7 oz milk 1 pkg CIB
After School
7 oz milk, 1/2 pkg CIB with 1 jar of baby food fruit or green vegetable and 1 tsp corn or canola oil (he got 2 of these)
diluted fruit juice in between.

Yummy stuff hey? Now we have to cut the CIB. Maybe with adding the pediasure this won't be so nasty? What I wouldn't give for this poor boy to be able to eat normally right now. He don't know what he's missing. It's such a slow process in getting him to tolerate the simplest things. They are concerned about weight loss, so we have to make up for this. This is going to be interesting...

1 comment:

  1. Oh Honey.. I am SO sorry that you have to go through all of this. I hope the pediasure, although expensive (caden is on that as well) will help him through most of this. He has made such great progress in so many other areas, hopefully this will be not to far off!
