Monday, September 21, 2009

What Kids Won't Say...

Despite the lack of therapy as of late, Eric is really starting to say a lot. We are still a long way from a real conversation, but am hearing the beginnings of it.

Every morning he points out the window, where the bus would pick him up and say "time for school". Doesn't get the weekend thing yet, but we are getting there.
He is identifying his therapists by name, sometimes he gets a little confused and repeats a name, but he has a winning record going :-)
I had talk radio on at low volume one day while therapists were here for Jon, it was one of the last days of summer vacation. There was a high profile company in the state that was having contract disputes with the union, and the one therapist commented that it looks like it will be bye bye jobs for these folks. Eric chimes in with "bye bye Jon Jon" Baby brother is not going anywhere Eric.
One day he was having trouble getting his shoe off. He said "oh s#!t!" Yup, he's repeated it before, I've been very careful so he don't hear it but he still said it on his own. Thankfully it was only once!
Speaking of shoes, he will point out in the kitchen, where he puts his shoes and socks once he is done with them, and say "socks, shoes" then "I want to go outside." Problem is every time he does this it's at a time I can't take him :-( You don't know how bad I want to take him outside though since I'm so happy to hear it! He also says upstairs and downstairs very clear now.
There were times when Jon was crying and I heard Eric say "calm down", not like baby brother listens ;-) Last night he was eating, and he looked right at me, pointed at me and said "calm down", with plenty of authority too! Was he trying to tell me something? I wasn't upset. Maybe he could pick up that I'm stressed about this therapy issue, who knows. If he can pick up on my emotions, I'm in trouble...
"oopsie" is very much a favorite word of his, and he uses it appropriately. It sounds fun, why not?
Tonight I told him to turn off the tv , he asked "why?" I told him it was time for bed. Why? Because it's time to go to sleep. Why? Because I said so!!! Why?
Maybe I better be careful what I wish for? It sounds so sweet right now I don't care if it's annoying!

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