Friday, June 5, 2009

NOTHING Stops This Boy!!!

Who cares if he has a cast on his arm? He's had it over 2 weeks now and has handled it so well. If he wants to do something, he will do it! As I always say, his persistance and resourcefullness is really going to help him through the challenges he is going to face being on the autism spectrum.

Waiting for the school bus.
He HATED wearing this stupid sling. I don't blame him. That thing was a bear to adjust. It just didn't fit him right, and it hurt him when I had to mess with it.
He was happy to be going to school this day. They did send him home soon after he got there because they needed a release from a doctor for him to be back in school. He did seem uncomfortable and in pain later that day so it was for the best. I finally got a call back from the orthepedic doctor that day and was able to get him in a couple of days later. They did another xray and found a crack in the bone near his elbow. They had plans of casting it anyway because there was evidence of some type of fracture or injury there and he would not know to take it easy with that arm. The xrays were the worst part of all of this because they were painful I am sure. He did fuss some when the cast was put on, but it all went well. I thought he would like blue so that's what I chose.
Here he is modeling the cast. I had a heck of a time getting him to pose for a picture, he kept wanting to run around!

Of course he has to play with the computer!!! He is stuck with the laptop here since a power spike blew out my PC . Not too thrilled about that.

He can still find trouble! I caught him with my cell phone AGAIN! This boy has an obsession with phones.

He LOVES his bubbles!!!

How do you do this Andy???

I was SO impressed with this. He is still able to pick up and throw this ball. It took him a few tries, but he wouldn't quit until he got it!!! We were outside with Eric and his therapists during a session. One of the therapists is going to school to teach physical education and adaptive phy ed. He was amazed by this. He also said that both these boys would be good for Special Olympics or a Challenger League team since they are so active. Don't know if he was just trying to flatter me, but if anyone would know about this kind of thing, he would.

I LOVE this picture of Eric and Andy. It was so beautiful I just had to add it :-)

I'm tired out mommy! It's sleepy time. Don't know how he can sleep in this postion, but he found a way.

He will have the cast on his arm until his appointment on June 12th. He will then have more xrays to make sure all has healed and hopefully we come home cast free.

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